Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me
Sharing life with you is fullfilling

Sunday, June 16, 2013

half way there

We got our ultra sound done a few weeks ago now, didn't find out babies gender, I'm so excited to have my surprize baby!  And I'm starting to collect the things that I need for my birth box.. though I still have to order the packet that the midwife said I needed to order... I just feel like this pregnancy is rushing by, like I thought I had a ton of time but actually I'm getting to that point where I need to start putting things together, like actually together.  So I'm writing out a list of 'to-do's' and you get to hear all about them!

1. Order my birth package
2. eat more pickles.... yes, I just had a little dish of them but I foresee lots more pickle eating coming up!
3. Order the material for my ring sling
4. finish the basement (we are making it into a guest bedroom/second livingroom
5. along with number 4. reapolster the fold out couch down there, which means measuring and ordering the material
6. mend all the stuff my best friend gave me FOREVER ago and get it mailed out to her.
7. mail out my invitations for the summer camp out we are having in July
8. Go on VACATION!!!
9. Fix the fence, technically this isn't something *I* have to do, it is just something that needs to be done.
10. clean my sewing room, as it will most likely be my birthing room... at least that is my thought, I really could be delivering this kid anywhere.. that is so exciting to me!
11. sort and wash all the neutral newborn baby clothes I have
12. Plan a shopping trip down by my parents and utilize all their much better stores.

There is probably a ton more to do, but these are really the important ones.

For your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of the baby!  Oh and next appointment is J
uly 8th.

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