Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me
Sharing life with you is fullfilling

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Pilates sucks

Patrick and I joined a gym.  I love it.  Once upon a time a asked God for a husband who would work out with me and it seemed for a long time that it would never happen but now we can!  He has a personal trainer so I don't work out with him every time but at least once a week we can work out together and I love it. 
Yesterday he met with his trainer and I went to a pilates class.  I expected not to be able to do everything but man I felt like a weakling yesterday!  Today even more so! I seriously hurt everywhere.
I titled this pilates sucks but really it is the greatest full body work out I have had in a very long time!  I'm so excited to turn our family into a family that gets healthy together. 
What are you doing to improve your families health? 

1 comment:

  1. um... ... u... we try to eat healty foods but this Momma has a sweet tooth like nobody's business. *smile* I like that you all are ding it as a family. We take the kids to ride bikes and we walk, my husband and I together behind the childern. I suppose that's what we are doing to improve our health as a family. *smile* And our kids take swim lessons where afterwards we stay, from time to time, for open swim where I get in the pool with all the kids and a few parents. I enjoy playing with our two growing blessings. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!
