These are the words that run through my head ALL DAY AND NIGHT. "Just go to sleep!" We'll start at 7am, this is the hour that C wakes up, and I think 'it is too early I have not slept yet, just go back to sleep C!" but it isn't early, this is when he always wakes up.
10am F needs a nap but is still learning how to fall asleep on her own, I'm thinking "just go to sleep, how hard can it be, stop playing with your stuffy leave your paci in your mouth and close your eyes!" yeah she's a baby i can't expect that much from her I know.
12:30pm C's nap time, and he wont do anything I asked him to do, I'm exhausted and I just keep thinking 'if you go to sleep then I can have a nap cause F is still asleep, but I can't go to sleep till you do cause you keep calling me and saying "mommy I go potty some more!" and wanting your stupid skittle!"
1pm, C is asleep at last and F has woken up.. "just go back to sleep! Mommy wanted a nap!"
3pm C is awake an F is about to go down for nap # 2 if she hasn't already, and I'm thinking "just go to sleep F"
5pm they are both awake... "just wanna go to sleep.... " picture dragging feet and sleepy eyes on my part.
7pm F needs another nap "just go to sleep child!"
8pm C needs to go to sleep but even though I brushed his teeth washed his face sat him on the potty gave him is skittle and put him in bed with clean jammies and undies (read diaper), and read him a story I'm standing at his door telling him "It is time to go to sleep, don't call mommy in here again."
9pm F still hasn't fallen asleep when she was supposed to at 7pm "just go to sleep child!"
10pm, F is finally sleeping and I'm dragging my feet even more and tripping over everything, and wanting to 'just go to sleep' but I have to pump at 11pm so I can't.
11pm Finally get to pump and P is home from work or got home not long ago, and he wants my attention (which I gladly give him) and then realize I 'just want to go to sleep!'
12am I'm finally in bed, eyes closed and sweetly breathing and F wakes up for her nightly feeding that usually happens around this time.
12:30, I guess I don't just think it at this point, I do it.
2:30am F is awake for another feeding, I think she is going through a growth spurt this is an hour earlier than normal. I just want to go to sleep!
3:00am I manage to stumble back to bed and fall asleep.
5:30am F is awake again... feed the bottle, pray she eats a little faster this time, I just want to go to sleep.
6:00am finally in bed once more!
7:00am C is awake, this is the hour that C wakes up, and I think 'it is too early I have not truly slept yet, just go back to sleep C!" but it isn't early, this is when he always wakes up.
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